Founding Director, CEO
Jonathan gained extensive experience in trading and risk modelling at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange during the 1980s. Whilst establishing the fixed interest derivative desk for one of the broking houses, he identified the need for a reliable derivative pricing system. In 1987, RATT-Pac, the origin of the Risk 101 brand, was launched. In 2004 Jonathan opened the Australian office. He is currently based in London where he heads up the UK-Europe division of Risk 101 and oversees the global portfolio.
Partner and Director of Operations and Marketing
B. Soc. Sci. UCT
Hons. Econs. UCT
Sarah has been involved in the financial markets since 1984; first as an interest-rate analyst, and later as a bond derivatives broker. She joined Risk101 in 2004 to manage Southern African operations and the global marketing portfolio. In recent years she has focussed on the Assidium platform.
Director, UK
Andrew has over 25 years of experience in developing online technology systems, pioneering the development of online advertising solutions in the UK and more recently mobile applications in a variety of industries.
He is responsible for all our cloud-based applications, as well as heading up the SQL database team.
Director of New Products and Performance Attribution
CFA Charter-holder
M.Mus. UCT
Alex taught music for twelve years, and still works actively as a performing musician. He redirected his career in 2003, and studied part-time for his CFA before joining Risk 101 in 2006. He was made director in 2009. He is one of the key Risk 101 programmers, currently leading the SQL server development team and spear-heading the roll-out of upgraded products in Australia.
Director, UK
Jeannie heads up the UK office for Risk101. Her experience is in banking on the Forex desk of a major South African clearing bank. She moved into programming in 1985 with AECI and Centre-file at NatWest. She joined Risk101 in 1995 in support and marketing. She operates closely with Risk101’s Australian and South African offices, who have benefitted from her wide advertising and marketing expertise, as well as programming skills.
Marketing and Sales
B.Com, Fin UCT
Brett graduated in 1983 and became a partner at a Johannesburg broking house seven years later. In 2004 he became Director of Neural Telecommunications, and went on to run the CarbonDesk in London until 2015.
Head of strategy
Lorette started in the financial markets in 1988. First in administration and then in bond derivative brokering from 1989 up to 2003. In 2004, she started working with artist Paul du Toit, managing his brand, interacting with and growing his collector base, organising his local and international exhibitions from Hong Kong to New York City.
Lorette joined Assidium in 2018 as Strategic Consultant.